EC2 Instances
Across all accounts
Cost and Utilization

Know what your EC2 footprint looks like.
Easily pinpoint under utilized instances.
Get Reserved Instance recommendations.

RDS Instances
Across all accounts
Cost and Utilization

Know what your RDS footprint looks like.
Easily pinpoint under utilized instances.
Get Reserved Instance recommendations.

EBS Volumes
Across all accounts
in a single location

Know where you have unused volumes.
Easily pinpoint what volumes can be removed.



How It Works

Access comprehensive AWS usage and cost data to gain the insight you need to reduce spending, manage reserved EC2, and maximize scaling and efficiency. Sizing decisions and utilization comparisons can be made through the analysis of time frame and utilization increases and decreases. Instant types are filtered through user customization, allowing for quick analysis.

Why It Matters

If you are managing or developing large-scale applications on AWS, keeping a tab on its resource usage is crucial to assess and reduce costs. With improved cost management, you can develop evolving and scaling environments that do not impact production or break the bank. Even for smaller-scale applications, there is always room to save. With access to regular AWS cost and usage reports, you can easily track development and maintenance costs, identify areas contributing to the largest spend, and take appropriate action to establish the most cost-effective usage.

Track Reserved EC2 & RDS Instances

Reserved Instances (RIs) provide a discounted hourly rate and an optional capacity reservation for EC2 & RDS instances. They can be a great way to save, compared to standard on-demand pricing. In the cost and usage report, you can keep track of usage on a line-item basis. Quickly identify where your EC2 RIs are being allocated, so you can track which instances are helping you to save the most.


Try For Free

Are development and maintenance costs getting out of hand? Intelligent Discovery allows you to monitor cost and usage of your cloud environments so you can reduce spend. Sign up for a no-obligation free trial of our AWS security and compliance platform today.

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Other Key Features

Security Assessment

From threat detections and benchmarks, to audits, remediation's and more, we give you the power to manage your AWS cloud security with ease.

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Consolidate your inventory management with consistent and frequent security logs, inventories, and change logs. Dashboard reporting for extensive analytical value.

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Expedite compliance with defined organizational rule sets and customization options with industry standard benchmarks and best practices.

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